Everything you need to know about the role, function, structure and people of the Australian Parliament.
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PEO at a glance
Meet the people who work in the Australian Parliament. From the Prime Minister to the media, hundreds of people participate in and make sure Parliament can do its work.
This graphic shows the steps required to form a political party in Australia.
This graphic shows some positions in the Australian Parliament and how they relate to each other.
Meet the leaders in the current Australian Parliament, from our head of state to party leaders and Presiding Officers.
Fact sheet
Understand the role of the Clerks in the Senate and House of Representatives with this fact sheet.
This fact sheet investigates the work of frontbenchers (who sit on the front seats in Parliament) and backbenchers (who sit behind the frontbenchers).
The Governor-General has an important role in the governing of Australia. This fact sheet looks at the constitutional, ceremonial and civic roles of the Governor-General.
An independent is a member of the Australian Parliament who does not belong to a political party.
Get to know the role of the Leader of the Opposition with this fact sheet.
Discover the work of members of the House of Representatives in this fact sheet.
Tap on the icons to explore the work that members of the House of Representatives do in Parliament and their electorates.
Understand the role of minsters and shadow ministers with this fact sheet. It describes what a minster is, how they are chosen and what their role is.
This fact sheet explains the role of the monarch in the Australian Parliament.
The party whip is a member of parliament who has been chosen to be the party manager.
Many political parties have members elected to the Australian Parliament.
Understand the role of the President of the Senate with this fact sheet.
Understand the role of the press gallery and its relationship with members of parliament and the public with this fact sheet.
Understand the role of the Prime Minister with this fact sheet, including how the Prime Minister is chosen and their responsibilities.
Discover the work of senators in this fact sheet.
Tap on the icons to explore the work that senators do in Parliament and their state or territory.
The Serjeant-at-Arms is a parliamentary officer in the House of Representatives.
Understand the role of the Speaker of the House of Representatives with this fact sheet.
Understand the role of the Usher of the Black Rod with this fact sheet.
Meet the Usher of the Black Rod in this informative video. Learn about their role in the Senate and the department, the symbolism of the Black Rod and the history of the position.