Curriculum links – Year 9
The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 9 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.
Individual curriculum linked resources
The role of political parties and independent representatives in Australia's system of government, including the formation of governments
How to form a political party
This graphic shows the steps required to form a political party in Australia.
Senate current numbers
This image shows the current numbers in the Senate.
House of Representatives current numbers
This image shows the current numbers in the House of Representatives.
This fact sheet discusses the opposition—the largest non-government team in the Australian Parliament.
Fact sheet
Create political parties
Investigate how the party system operates in Australia by creating your own political parties.
Classroom activity page
What is Parliament?
Discover the structure and key functions of the Australian Parliament with this short video. It introduces the Parliament’s roles of law-making, representing Australians, the formation of government and checking the work of the government.
Negotiate a minority government
Role-play a high stakes parliamentary negotiation in order to learn how government is formed in a hung parliament.
Classroom activity page
The Senate
Discover the role and work of the Australian Senate with this introductory video.
Negotiate in National Cabinet
Role-play as the federal and state levels of government as they work together to manage issues and provide services for the whole of Australia.
Classroom activity page
The role of political parties
Test your knowledge of political parties in the Australian Parliament with this fun quiz. It includes key parliamentary terms such as 'hung parliament' and 'crossing the floor'.
This fact sheet explores the role of the independents and how they can vote in the Parliament.
Fact sheet
The Senate
Discover the people who work in the Senate with this interactive poster. Highlight the groupings of senators and test yourself on who sits where.
The House of Representatives
Discover the people who work in the House of Representatives with this interactive poster. Highlight the groupings of members and test yourself on who sits where.
Forming the Australian government
Find out how the Australian government is formed and who makes up the Executive with this interactive poster.
How citizens’ political choices are shaped, including the influence of the media
Run an election campaign
Experience an election campaign in your classroom by analysing political advertisements and then developing your own campaigns! This activity can also be completed as an extension to the Create political parties activity.
Classroom activity page
The role of the media
How much do you know about the role the media? Take this quick quiz to find out.
Run Question Time
Discover how members of Parliament use Question Time to closely examine the work of the government in this classroom activity. Use this activity to further your study of civics and citizenship.
Classroom activity page
The key features of Australia’s court system and how courts apply and interpret the law, resolve disputes and make law through judgements
Unpack democracy
What is democracy and why is it important? Introduce and explore the concept of democracy with this discussion-based activity.
Classroom activity page
Conduct a law reform inquiry
Investigate a law reform issue and present recommendations to a citizens’ jury.
Classroom activity page
Separation of powers
Test your knowledge of the separation of powers—an important principle of Australia's democracy—with this fun quiz.
The process through which government policy is shaped and developed, including the role of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Find out more about who is in Cabinet and how it works with this fact sheet.
Fact sheet
From policy to law
This graphic illustrates the role of the executive government in turning policy into law.
People in Parliament
This graphic shows some positions in the Australian Parliament and how they relate to each other.
Make a law: House of Representatives
Discover how bills – proposed laws – are introduced, debated and voted on in the House of Representatives by turning your class into a Parliament and doing it yourselves!
Classroom activity page
Run a parliamentary committee
Investigate the work of parliamentary committees in this classroom activity. Use this activity to further your study of civics and citizenship or as a framework for an inquiry study into any topic.
Classroom activity page
Parliamentary committees investigate issues and proposed laws in detail. This fact sheet explains the role of committees, how they work and the types of committees in the Australian Parliament.
Fact sheet
Make a law: Senate
Discover how bills – proposed laws – are introduced, debated and voted on in the Senate by turning your class into a Parliament and doing it yourselves!
Classroom activity page
Negotiate in National Cabinet
Role-play as the federal and state levels of government as they work together to manage issues and provide services for the whole of Australia.
Classroom activity page
Run a Cabinet meeting
Work together to negotiate the best policy outcome.
Classroom activity page
Rights, power, action: a practical classroom guide for teaching Australia's system of government
A practical guide for exploring concepts relating to our system of government with upper and senior secondary students.
Separation of powers
Explore who has the power to make and change Australian law with this interactive poster.
Parliamentary committees
Explore the function of committees and how they support the work of the Australian Parliament with this explanatory video.
Forming the Australian government
Find out how the Australian government is formed and who makes up the Executive with this interactive poster.
Note: content listed under each curriculum descriptor may not meet all the requirements of each descriptor elaboration.
For content to deliver the Year 9 Civics and Citizenship skills, discover our range of Classroom activities, print resources and quizzes.
Source information
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website on 2 July 2020 (curriculum version 8.4).
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