Prepare for your program
Getting ready to participate in a PEO program? Here are some ideas and a sensory story to help your students get the most out of their program at Parliament House.
We know you and your students are looking forward to participating in our immersive learning program and exploring the function, purpose and value of Australia's democratic system of government.
Here are some ideas to help your students get prepared
- Show your students some of what they will see with the Parliament House virtual tour
- Introduce the work of the Australian Parliament with these 2 short videos:
- Dig a little deeper ... run a role-play in your classroom before you visit
- Design your own learning activities using our Australian Curriculum-aligned resources
- Find out what is happening in Parliament
Sensory story about visiting Parliament House
A trip to Parliament House is an exciting and stimulating experience for all students. The Visiting Australian Parliament House: a sensory story can help students understand what they will see and do on their visit, and what behaviour will be expected from them.
The sensory story can be tailored to meet the needs of your students and the slides rearranged to reflect your visit.
A member speaking in their classroom parliament.

Parliamentary Education Office (
This image shows a group of students in a classroom. One is standing.
A class discuss the work of the Australian Parliament.

Parliamentary Education Office (
This image shows a teacher addressing a group of students in a classroom.