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Role-play the Parliament: House of Representatives
This video demonstrates a House of Representatives parliamentary role-play, where students can learn how new laws are made in the Australian Parliament. It outlines lesson content and what preparation is required to use this immersive learning strategy in a classroom.

One voice for many
This video explores representation. It can be used as a visual aid in discussing representation with students.

Role-play the Parliament: Senate
This video demonstrates a Senate parliamentary role-play, where students can learn how new laws are made in the Australian Parliament. It outlines lesson content and what preparation is required to use this immersive learning strategy in a classroom.

1967 referendum
In 1967 the majority of Australians voted to change the Australian Constitution to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the national census. This video from the ABC’s Behind the News explores how the 1967 referendum was part of a movement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights.

The Constitution
This short video introduces the Australian Constitution—the rules by which Australia is run.

Role-play the Parliament: Committee
This video demonstrates a committee role-play, where students can learn how the Australian Parliament investigates bills and issues. It outlines lesson content and what preparation is required to use this immersive learning strategy in a classroom.

What is Parliament?
Discover the structure and key functions of the Australian Parliament with this short video. It introduces the Parliament’s roles of law-making, representing Australians, the formation of government and checking the work of the government.

The House of Representatives
Discover the role and work of the Australian House of Representatives with this introductory video.

Three levels of government
Get an introduction to the three levels of government with this short video. It explores the areas each level can make laws about.

Role-play the Parliament: the role-play in action
This video shows a snapshot of a parliamentary role-play in the Education Centre at Australia’s Parliament House.

Making a law
Get an introduction to the law-making process of the Australian Parliament with this short video. It includes all the law-making steps in the Senate and House of Representatives.

Get involved
Explore ways you can get involved in the work of Parliament with this in-depth video. Find out how you can get informed about the work of the Parliament, contact and vote for members of parliament, petition the Parliament and participate in parliamentary inquiries.