Classroom activities

Explore the ideas that underpin Australia's democracy and create a parliament in your classroom with these fun and engaging activities. Each activity includes a lesson plan and a toolkit with the resources you’ll need to teach key functions of and concepts relating to the Australian Parliament.

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How Parliament works

Create a new Federation

Explore why the authors of the Australian Constitution designed our Parliament to have both a House of Representativeswith representation based on population – and a Senate – with equal representation for the states. This activity invites students to think critically and creatively to write a new constitution.

Having your say

Unpack democracy

What is democracy and how does it work in Australia? Explore questions around the key ideas of our democracy with these discussion-based activities.

Parliament and its people

Create your own electorate

Consider how communities around our country are represented in the Australian Parliament.

Parliament and its people

Create political parties

Investigate how the party system operates in Australia by creating your own political parties.

Having your say

Explore decision-making

Explore various forms of decision-making in your classroom with this activity. Investigate majority rule, executive, consensus, autocracy, and the power of veto.

How Parliament works

Explore the three levels of government

Explore the three levels of government – federal, state, and local – with this classroom activity. Investigate the responsibilities of each level by forming taskforces to respond to major events.

Parliament and its people

Run an election campaign

Experience an election campaign in your classroom by analysing political advertisements and then developing your own campaigns! This activity can also be completed as an extension to the Create political parties activity.

How Parliament works

Hold a referendum

Investigate a potential change to the Constitution and then decideas a nation – whether or not the change should be made.

Having your say

Make speeches

Discover the different types of speeches senators and members make in Parliament by turning your class into a Parliament and doing it yourselves! Use these activities to further explore the work of the Parliament or to give context to oral presentations in any classroom.

How Parliament works

Debate a Bill of Rights for Australia

Analyse arguments for and against having an Australian Bill of Rights, before debating the issue in a class parliament.

Parliament and its people

Negotiate a minority government

Role-play a high stakes parliamentary negotiation in order to learn how government is formed in a hung parliament.

Having your say

Start a petition

Get involved and have your say by starting a petition. This activity can be used to help your students have their voices heard in their school, local community, or in Parliament.