Curriculum links – Year 10
The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 10 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.
Individual curriculum linked resources
The key features and values of Australia’s system of government compared with at least ONE other system of government in the Asia region
Unpack democracy
What is democracy and why is it important? Introduce and explore the concept of democracy with this discussion-based activity.
Classroom activity page
Find out more about who is in Cabinet and how it works with this fact sheet.
Fact sheet
Explore the three levels of government
Explore the three levels of government—federal, state, and local—with this classroom activity. Investigate the responsibilities of each level by forming taskforces to respond to major events.
Classroom activity page
Australian Constitution
This fact sheet explores the Australian Constitution. It includes information about the key features of the Constitution and how it can be changed.
Fact sheet
Making a law
Get an introduction to the law-making process of the Australian Parliament with this short video.
Three levels of government: governing Australia
This in-depth paper explores the roles and responsibilities of each level, how they raise money and how they work together.
The Governor-General has an important role in the governing of Australia. This fact sheet looks at the constitutional, ceremonial and civic roles of the Governor-General.
Fact sheet
Rights, power, action: a practical classroom guide for teaching Australia's system of government
A practical guide for exploring concepts relating to our system of government with upper and senior secondary students.
The Australian Parliament
Introduce the Australian Parliament, its component parts and its role in your classroom with this interactive poster.
The Australian Government’s role and responsibilities at a global level, for example provision of foreign aid, peacekeeping, participation in international organisations and the United Nations
The role of the High Court, including in interpreting the Constitution
Australia's Constitution pocket edition
This handy pocket-sized edition of the full text of the Australian Constitution is an essential reference text for politics and legal studies students.
Australian Constitution
How much do you know about the Australian Constitution—the set of rules by which Australia is run? Do you know how these rules are changed through a referendum? Test your knowledge with this fun quiz.
The Constitution
This short video introduces the Australian Constitution—the rules by which Australia is run.
Australian Parliament history timeline
Explore milestones to find out how the work of the Parliament has influenced the development of Australia since Federation.
Interpret the Constitution
Discover how the High Court of Australia rules on constitutional disputes by role-playing the hypothetical case of Lee v Electoral Commissioner.
Classroom activity page
Three levels of government
Illustrate the three levels of government and their responsibilities in your classroom with this interactive poster.
The challenges to and ways of sustaining a resilient democracy and cohesive society
Debate a Bill of Rights for Australia
Analyse arguments for and against having an Australian Bill of Rights, before debating the issue in a class parliament.
Classroom activity page
Rights, power, action: a practical classroom guide for teaching Australia's system of government
A practical guide for exploring concepts relating to our system of government with upper and senior secondary students.
Rights in Australia
This paper investigates the framework of rights in Australia. It defines the different types of rights, including human rights, and looks at the sources for our rights.
Note: content listed under each curriculum descriptor may not meet all the requirements of each descriptor elaboration.
For content to deliver the Year 10 Civics and Citizenship skills, discover our range of Classroom activities, print resources and quizzes.
Source information
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website on 2 July 2020 (curriculum version 8.4).
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