Curriculum links – Year 6
The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 6 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.
Individual curriculum linked resources
The key institutions and traditions of Australia's democratic system of government based on the Westminster system
Parliament of Australia
This graphic illustrates the composition of the Australian Parliament.
Australian Constitution
How much do you know about the Australian Constitution—the set of rules by which Australia is run? Do you know how these rules are changed through a referendum? Test your knowledge with this fun quiz.
The Australian Constitution
Discover a range of resources that explore the history, features and function of the Australian Constitution—the set of rules by which Australia is run.
Australian Parliament
Test your understanding of the history, make-up and people of the Australian Parliament with this quick quiz.
Introducing ... Australia's system of government
Begin your exploration of the features of Australia’s system of government with this short introduction. Discover how power is shared and managed between different groups in Australia.
Australian Parliament
This fact sheet outlines the composition and role of the Australian Parliament.
Fact sheet
A short history of Parliament
This in-depth paper explores the development of the Westminster system in Britain and parliamentary democracy in Australia.
What is Parliament?
Discover the structure and key functions of the Australian Parliament with this short video. It introduces the Parliament’s roles of law-making, representing Australians, the formation of government and checking the work of the government.
Australia's Parliament House
This in-depth look at Australia's Parliament House investigates why Canberra was chosen to be the nation's capital and why we needed a 'new' Parliament House. It includes the design, site and symbolism of the building.
Parliament, Executive and Judiciary
Explore how the power to make and manage law is shared in Australia with this interactive. It can be used in the classroom to illustrate the separation of powers.
Parliament in pictures
This set of 10 posters and classroom guide is an introduction to the Australian Parliament for students of all ages and language abilities, including ESL students.
PEO poster pack
This set of large posters covers a range of parliamentary and Australian system of government topics. They are ideal for display in the classroom.
The Governor-General has an important role in the governing of Australia. This fact sheet looks at the constitutional, ceremonial and civic roles of the Governor-General.
Fact sheet
Separation of powers
Test your knowledge of the separation of powers—an important principle of Australia's democracy—with this fun quiz.
Your Parliament
Discover all about Australia’s system of government in one place. This booklet is suitable for teaching civics and citizenship in the classroom and for lifelong learners.
Separation of powers
Explore who has the power to make and change Australian law with this interactive poster.
The Australian Parliament
Introduce the Australian Parliament, its component parts and its role in your classroom with this interactive poster.
The monarch
This fact sheet explains the role of the monarch in the Australian Parliament. Find out why Australia has the King as our head of state and what power the King has in Australia.
Fact sheet
The Senate
Discover the people who work in the Senate with this interactive poster. Highlight the groupings of senators and test yourself on who sits where.
The House of Representatives
Discover the people who work in the House of Representatives with this interactive poster. Highlight the groupings of members and test yourself on who sits where.
Forming the Australian government
Find out how the Australian government is formed and who makes up the Executive with this interactive poster.
The roles and responsibilities of the three levels of government
Introducing ... the three levels of government
Begin your exploration of the three levels of government in Australia with this short introduction. Discover the responsibilities of the federal Parliament, state and territory parliaments and local government, and how they work together.
Federal, state and local
Do you know what each level of government is responsible for? Test your knowledge of the three levels of government in Australia with this game.
Explore the three levels of government
Explore the three levels of government—federal, state, and local—with this classroom activity. Investigate the responsibilities of each level by forming taskforces to respond to major events.
Classroom activity page
This fact sheet explores the responsibilities of the Australian Government, how it is formed, minority government and the principle of responsible government.
Fact sheet
Three levels of government
Get an introduction to the three levels of government with this short video. It explores the areas each level can make laws about.
Parliament in pictures
This set of 10 posters and classroom guide is an introduction to the Australian Parliament for students of all ages and language abilities, including ESL students.
Levels of government
In Australia 3 superheroes fight for the people. Discover their powers and those of the three levels of government with this video from the ABC’s Behind the News.
Three levels of government: governing Australia
This in-depth paper explores the roles and responsibilities of each level, how they raise money and how they work together.
Your Parliament
Discover all about Australia’s system of government in one place. This booklet is suitable for teaching civics and citizenship in the classroom and for lifelong learners.
Three levels of government
Test your knowledge of Australia's three levels with this quiz.
Three levels of government
Illustrate the three levels of government and their responsibilities in your classroom with this interactive poster.
The responsibilities of electors and representatives in Australia's democracy
Unpack democracy
What is democracy and why is it important? Introduce and explore the concept of democracy with this discussion-based activity.
Classroom activity page
Make speeches
Discover the different types of speeches senators and members make in Parliament by turning your class into a Parliament and doing it yourselves! Use these activities to further explore the work of the Parliament or to give context to oral presentations in any classroom.
Classroom activity page
Get involved
Explore ways you can get involved in the work of Parliament with this in-depth video. Find out how you can get informed about the work of the Parliament, contact and vote for members of parliament, petition the Parliament and participate in parliamentary inquiries.
Parliament in pictures
This set of 10 posters and classroom guide is an introduction to the Australian Parliament for students of all ages and language abilities, including ESL students.
PEO poster pack
This set of large posters covers a range of parliamentary and Australian system of government topics. They are ideal for display in the classroom.
Your Parliament
Discover all about Australia’s system of government in one place. This booklet is suitable for teaching civics and citizenship in the classroom and for lifelong learners.
The Australian Parliament
Introduce the Australian Parliament, its component parts and its role in your classroom with this interactive poster.
Choosing senators
Discover who represents us in the Senate and how they are chosen with this interative poster.
Choosing members
Discover who represents us in the House of Representatives and how they are chosen with this interative poster.
Where ideas for new laws can come from and how they become law
Unpack democracy
What is democracy and why is it important? Introduce and explore the concept of democracy with this discussion-based activity.
Classroom activity page
Bills and laws
How does the Australian Parliament make laws for Australia? Revise your students' study of law-making with this quiz.
Making a law
Get an introduction to the law-making process of the Australian Parliament with this short video.
Make a law: House of Representatives
Discover how bills – proposed laws – are introduced, debated and voted on in the House of Representatives by turning your class into a Parliament and doing it yourselves!
Classroom activity page
Run a parliamentary committee
Investigate the work of parliamentary committees in this classroom activity. Use this activity to further your study of civics and citizenship or as a framework for an inquiry study into any topic.
Classroom activity page
Parliament in pictures
This set of 10 posters and classroom guide is an introduction to the Australian Parliament for students of all ages and language abilities, including ESL students.
The usual path of a bill
This graphic illustrates the usual path of a bill through the Australian Parliament to become Australian law.
Parliamentary committees investigate issues and proposed laws in detail. This fact sheet explains the role of committees, how they work and the types of committees in the Australian Parliament.
Fact sheet
Make a law: Senate
Discover how bills – proposed laws – are introduced, debated and voted on in the Senate by turning your class into a Parliament and doing it yourselves!
Classroom activity page
Pass the bill
This interactive details each step of the law-making process in the Australian Parliament. Users follow the progress of a bill to lower the voting age to 16 through the Australian Parliament. Perfect for use in the classroom.
Your Parliament
Discover all about Australia’s system of government in one place. This booklet is suitable for teaching civics and citizenship in the classroom and for lifelong learners.
Parliamentary committees
Explore the function of committees and how they support the work of the Australian Parliament with this explanatory video.
The Senate
Discover the people who work in the Senate with this interactive poster. Highlight the groupings of senators and test yourself on who sits where.
The House of Representatives
Discover the people who work in the House of Representatives with this interactive poster. Highlight the groupings of members and test yourself on who sits where.
Making Australian law
Understand the process of making a law in the Australian Parliament with this interactive poster.
Note: content listed under each curriculum descriptor may not meet all the requirements of each descriptor elaboration.
Discover more Year 6 curriculum-aligned resources
For content to deliver the Year 6 Civics and Citizenship skills, discover our range of Classroom activities, print resources and quizzes.
Source information
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website on 2 July 2020 (curriculum version 8.4).
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