Who's who in the current Parliament

Meet the leaders in the current Australian Parliament, from our head of state to party leaders and Presiding Officers.

Government and opposition leadership – House of Representatives

Portrait of The Hon Anthony Albanese MP

Prime Minister of Australia

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP

Mr Albanese is also the leader of the Australian Labor Party.

The Prime Minister is the leader of the Australian Government.

Portrait of The Hon Peter Dutton MP

Leader of the Opposition

The Hon Peter Dutton MP

Mr Dutton is also the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia.

The Leader of the Opposition is a member of parliament who leads the largest party or coalition of parties that is not in government.

Portrait of The Hon Richard Marles MP

Deputy Prime Minister

The Hon Richard Marles MP

Portrait of The Hon David Littleproud MP

Leader of The Nationals

The Hon David Littleproud MP

The opposition is formed by a coalition of The Nationals and the Liberal Party of Australia.

Government and opposition leadership – Senate

Portrait of Senator the Hon Penny Wong

Leader of the Government in the Senate

Senator the Hon Penny Wong

The Leader of the Government in the Senate is chosen by their party or coalition of parties to lead them in the Senate and is the main government spokesperson in the Senate.

Portrait of Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Leader of the Opposition in the Senate

Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

The Leader of the Opposition in the Senate is chosen by their party or coalition of parties to lead them in the Senate and is the main opposition spokesperson in the Senate.

Presiding Officers

Portrait of The Hon Milton Dick MP

Speaker of the House of Representatives

The Hon Milton Dick MP

The Speaker sits at the head of the House of Representatives and is responsible for the orderly running of the House.

Portrait of Senator the Hon Sue Lines

President of the Senate

Senator the Hon Sue Lines

The President sits at the head of the Senate and is responsible for the orderly running of the Senate.

Australia's Head of State

Portrait of His Majesty King Charles III

Head of state

His Majesty King Charles III

The Australian Constitution establishes the King as Australia's head of state.

Portrait of Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC


Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC

On the advice of the Australian Prime Minister, the Governor-General is appointed by the King to be their representative in Australia.

Roles in the Australian Parliament.

People in Parliament.

People in Parliament.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

People in Parliament.

People in Parliament.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


This diagram shows a number of positions in the Australian Parliament and how they relate to each other.

The Australian Parliament is made up of the Monarch (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate and the House of Representatives. The President of the Senate runs the meetings of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives runs the meetings of the House of Representatives.

The Government is made up of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Leader of the Government in the Senate, ministers (the Executive) and backbenchers. The Opposition is made up of the Leader of the Opposition, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, shadow ministers and backbenchers.


Composition of the Australian Parliament

These image show the current numbers in the Senate and House of Representatives.

Senate current numbers

Senate current numbers

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

Senate current numbers

Senate current numbers

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


This image shows the current number of senators in the Senate from each party:

Government – 25 senators

  • Australian Labor Party

Opposition – 30 senators

  • Liberal Party of Australia
  • The Nationals
  • Liberal National Party of Queensland
  • Country Liberal Party

Minor parties – 17 senators

  • Australian Greens (11) 
  • Pauline Hanson's One Nation (2)
  • Jacqui Lambie Network (1)
  • United Australia Party (1)
  • Australia's Voice (1)
  • People First Party (1)

Independents – 4 senators

House of Representatives current numbers

House of Representatives current numbers

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

House of Representatives current numbers

House of Representatives current numbers

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


This image shows the current number of members in the House of Representatives from each party:

Government – 77 members

  • Australian Labor Party

Opposition – 53 members

  • Liberal Party of Australia
  • Liberal National Party of Queensland
  • The Nationals
  • Country Liberal Party

Minor parties – 6 members

  • Australian Greens (4) 
  • Centre Alliance (1)
  • Katter's Australian Party (1)

Independents – 13 members