What do members of parliament do?

Hi Adam, thank you for your question.

Senators and members of the House of representatives work long hours at Parliament House. The main role of senators and members of the House of Representatives is to put forward the views of the people who live or vote in their electorate their constituents. They do this by:

  • debating and voting on bills – proposed laws
  • working on committees that examine important issues
  • scrutinising – closely examining – the work of the government
  • discussing issues of national and international importance.

When members of parliament are working in their electorates, they

  • help constituents who may be having difficulties with issues such as taxes, immigration, health or pensions
  • deal with local concerns such as road construction or environmental issues.
Members of the House of Representatives undertake many jobs while representing their electorate in the Australian Parliament.

What do members of parliament do in Parliament.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

What do members of parliament do in Parliament.

Members of the House of Representatives undertake many jobs while representing their electorate in the Australian Parliament.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


This diagram illustrates what members of the House of Representatives do in the Australian Parliament. Members: debate and vote on bills—proposed laws; represent the views of people in their electorate; work on parliamentary committees to examine important issues; attend parliamentary party meetings to decide on party policy; scrutinise—closely examine—the work of the government; and discuss issues of national and international importance.