




  1. Federal elections

    Australians vote to elect members of the Australian Parliament to make laws and decisions on their behalf. Find out how much you know about the process with this fun quiz.

  2. Federal elections

    This fact sheet explores how federal elections are used to select representatives in the Australian Parliament. It covers the process of electing senators and members of the House of Representatives.

  3. Elections and voting

    Discover how senators and members of the House of Representatives are elected by the Australian people to the Australian Parliament. Explore what a double dissolution is and how the Australian people can have their say on big issues in referendums and plebiscites.

  4. Democracy

    This fact sheet introduces the idea of democracy and explores the key ideas which support Australia’s democratic system of government.

  5. From election to a new Parliament

    Regular federal elections are an important feature of Australia’s democracy. Investigate the process of closing Parliament, the transition between Parliaments and the opening of a new Parliament in Australia with this fact sheet.

  6. Interpret the Constitution

    Discover how the High Court of Australia rules on constitutional disputes by role-playing the hypothetical case of Lee v Electoral Commissioner.

  7. Senators

    Discover the work of senators in this fact sheet. It explores their role in the Australian Parliament and in the community, their working hours and period of service. 

  8. A short history of Parliament

    Compared to some other parliaments around the world, Australia's Parliament is quite young but it is based on practices and ideals from much older parliaments. This in-depth paper explores the development of the Westminster system in Britain and parliamentary democracy in Australia.

  9. Self-paced online learning

    Want to deliver informative and engaging parliamentary civics and citizenship education to students from Years 3 to 10? Learn online at your own pace with these civics and citizenship teaching modules.

  10. Senate

    This fact sheet explores the Senate, which is part of the Australian Parliament. It includes information about the role, appearance and origins of the Senate.

  11. Year 5

    After completing this Unit of work and associated assessment task, students will have met the achievement standard for the Year 5 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  12. Year 9

    The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 9 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  13. Run an election campaign

    Experience a modern social media election campaign in your classroom with this classroom activity.

  14. Political parties

    Many political parties have members elected to the Australian Parliament. In this fact sheet, learn more about why they exist, how they are formed and how they are organised.

  15. House of Representatives

    This fact sheet explores the House of Representatives, which is part of the Australian Parliament. It includes information about the role, appearance and origins of the House of Representatives.

  16. Role-play the Parliament: Committee

    This video demonstrates a committee role-play, where students can learn how the Australian Parliament investigates bills and issues. It outlines lesson content and what preparation is required to use this immersive learning strategy in a classroom.

  17. Australian system of government

    This fact sheet examines Australia’s system of government. It includes information about representative democracy, constitutional monarchy, federation and the separation of powers.

  18. Glossary

    Use this helpful glossary to browse or search the meanings of key parliamentary terms.

  19. Federation

    In 1901, 6 British colonies united to become a new nation – the Commonwealth of Australia. This fact sheet examines the reasons for Federation, the path to Federation, the creation of the territories and the opening of the Australian Parliament.

  20. Year 8

    The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 8 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  21. Year 3

    The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 3 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  22. Year 5

    The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 5 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  23. Year 4

    The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 4 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  24. Run a Cabinet meeting

    Work together to negotiate the best policy outcome.

  25. A new Parliament

    There are many steps in the process of opening a new parliament. Find out the timings, traditions and requirements of establishing a new Australian Parliament with this in-depth video.

  26. Preferential voting

    When you vote for your local member of the House of Representatives you need to decide who you like the most, the second most and so on. Discover why preferences matter on election day with the ABC’s Behind the News.

  27. Year 6

    After completing this Unit of work and associated assessment task, students will have met the achievement standard for the Year 6 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  28. Year 7

    The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 7 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  29. Year 8

    After completing this Unit of work and associated assessment tasks, students will have met the achievement standard for the Year 8 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  30. The Federation of Australia

    Australia's Federation came about through a process of deliberation, consultation and debate. This in-depth paper explores the reasons for Federation, the Federation conventions and the referendums in which the Australian people decided to join together as a nation.

  31. Year 6

    The PEO has a range of resources which assist teachers in their delivery of the Year 6 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  32. 1967 referendum

    In 1967 the majority of Australians voted to change the Australian Constitution to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the national census. This video from the ABC’s Behind the News explores how the 1967 referendum was part of a movement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights.

  33. Year 4

    After completing this Unit of work and associated assessment tasks, students will have met the achievement standard for the Year 4 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

  34. Year 10

    After completing this Unit of work and associated assessment tasks, students will have met the achievement standard for the Year 10 Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum.

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