Who sits on the two chairs behind the President of the Senate?

Thanks for your question, Harry. One of these chairs is the vice-regal chair and the other is reserved for distinguished visitors.

The vice-regal chair is directly behind the President’s chair. It is used by the Governor-General or King Charles III on special occasions, such as the opening of a new Parliament. When the vice-regal chair is in use, it is moved forward, and the President’s chair is placed to the right of it.

The chair to the left of the vice-regal chair is for distinguished visitors to the Senate, including foreign presidents and prime ministers. 

Australia's 27th Governor-General sits in the President of the Senate's chair in the Senate for the opening of Parliament.

Australia's 27th Governor-General delivers his opening of Parliament address.

Penny Bradfield/DPS Auspic

Australia's 27th Governor-General delivers his opening of Parliament address.

Australia's 27th Governor-General sits in the President of the Senate's chair in the Senate for the opening of Parliament.

Penny Bradfield/DPS Auspic


The end of a T-shaped table is shown with a number of people in suits sitting around it. There is a raised platform with a man sitting in a large wooden chair speaking into a microphone. A woman is sitting in a high backed chair to the left of the man speaking. Three people stand behind the chairs under a wood and metal representation of the Australian coat of arms.