Who has the power to mandate policy in Australian public schools?

Good question. Thanks Avraham!

Education is not listed in the Australian Constitution as a responsibility of the Australian Parliament, which means it is a responsibility for state and territory parliaments. This means state and territory parliaments can make laws about how schools are run and set education policy. Usually education ministers and departments are given the power to make decisions about education.

But here's where it gets a bit more complex. The Australian Parliament is able to collect more taxes than states, so the Australian Government has more money than the states to spend on things like education. Although the state and territory governments run their own schools, they may need to follow Australian Government policies to receive federal government funding. Section 96 of the Australian Constitution allows the Australian Parliament to give money to state governments based on certain terms and conditions – there are known as 'tied grants'.

This arrangement lets the Australian Government carry out important national education policies, like the Australian Curriculum. The federal Education Minister and bodies such the federal Department of Education and Training are responsible for this.

Students on the Forecourt at Australian Parliament House. They are wearing blue uniforms and looking up at the flagmast.

A school group arriving at Parliament House.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

A school group arriving at Parliament House.

Students on the Forecourt at Australian Parliament House. They are wearing blue uniforms and looking up at the flagmast.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


This image shows a large group of students arriving at Parliament House.