Where do MPs get food in Parliament House? Are there coffee shops for the staff?

Hi James, thanks for your question. 

There is a public café called Queens Terrace café which is open to both visitors and those who work in parliament. The Staff Dining Room is a more casual food service for members of parliament and other staff, and the Members and Guests Dining Rooms are where senators and members can order more formal meals and meet with invited guests. Parliament House also has a coffee shop called Aussies which is also a popular place to eat, meet and greet! 

Members of parliament often work very long hours and are not able to leave the building in case there is a vote. 

The front of Australian Parliament House with the Great Verandah and the flagmast. In the foreground is water.

Australian Parliament House.

DPS Auspic

Australian Parliament House.

The front of Australian Parliament House with the Great Verandah and the flagmast. In the foreground is water.

DPS Auspic


This photo shows the front of Parliament House with the Great Verandah and the flagmast. In the foreground Michael Nelson Jagamara's Possum and Wallaby Dreaming mosaic is surrounded by water.