What are the main requirements for establishing a political party?

Hi, thanks for your question

The Australian Electoral Commission is in charge of registering political parties. You can visit their website to learn everything a political party must do in order to be registered in Australia. The main requirements are:

  • a party constitution, which is a document that sets out the aims of the party.
  • at least 1500 supporters who are on the electoral roll or a member in the Australian Parliament.
The steps required to form a political party: register with the AEC, have at least 500 members, write a party constitution.

How to form a political party.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

How to form a political party.

The steps required to form a political party: register with the AEC, have at least 500 members, write a party constitution.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


This graphic shows the steps required to form a political party: name the party and write a party constitution, have at least 1500 members or a member of the Australian Parliament, and apply for registration with the Australian Electoral Commission.