What are the consequences for people who disobey the rules of the Constitution?
Great question!
The Australian Constitution is the set of rules by which Australia is run. It describes the composition, role and powers of the Australian Parliament. It also details the role of the executive government and the High Court of Australia, and defines certain rights of Australian citizens, such as the right to religious freedom.
If there is disagreement about the rules of the Constitution, the High Court can get involved to make a final decision. The High Court interprets the Constitution and decides its meaning, as well as settling disputes between the federal and state governments.
The High Court of Australia.

DPS Auspic
A large semi circular desk atop a small raise at the end of the room. Seven figures in black (High Court judges) with papers in front of them sit at this long desk. In front of them on the floor is an opposite curved desk with many figures in black with many papers in front of them. Smaller desks sit in rows behind.
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