What are Royal Commissions and where can I find information about how many recommendations have been met?
Thank you for your question Elisa. Royal commissions investigate issues of high public importance. They gather information, speak to witnesses and provide recommendations to the Australian Government about what to do about the issue. One of the ways that royal commissions gather information is by requesting the public to share their experiences and knowledge through submissions. The reports from all royal commissions can be found on the Royal Commissions website.
After a royal commission delivers its final report on the issue it was asked to investigate, the Australian Government will usually provide a written response. These responses and how the Government is delivering the royal commission’s recommendations, can be found on the website of the government department responsible for the issue. For example, updates about meeting the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety can be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
A committee at a school.

Senate Research Section
A parliamentary committee holding a hearing at a high school.