What are additional estimates? How long does a department have to answer in writing a question on notice and are answers recorded in Hansard?
Hi Lisa, thank you for your question!
Several times a year senators investigate how the government is spending taxpayers money in Senate estimates hearings, also known as estimates committees. The first is in May, soon after the Treasurer presents the government’s annual Budget. These Senate estimates hearings focus on scrutinising – closely examining – the Budget paper. Additional estimates are held in November and then the following February. These additional estimates allow senators to ask further questions about government spending and actions of government departments and authorities.
During estimates hearings, if a department is unable to answer a question, they can take the question on notice and respond to it later. The committee will decide on the due date for questions on notice. All estimates hearings are recorded in Hansard.
Senate estimates in action

DPS Auspic
Members of parliament sitting at desks in rows opposite each other in a committee room at Australian Parliament House. There are folders of paper and laptops in front of them. One member of parliament is speaking to the group and the others are listening.
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