Please explain the Magna Carta

Inspeximus issue of Magna Carta, 1297.
Parliament House Art Collection, Department of Parliamentary Services, Canberra ACT
Inspeximus issue of Magna Carta, 1297.

Parliament House Art Collection, Department of Parliamentary Services, Canberra ACT
A copy of the Magna Carta that is part of the Parliament House Art Collection. The Magna Carta was important in the development of democracy and has influenced many other documents including the Australian Constitution.
The 1297 Inspeximus issue is a rectangular document which is covered in small, old-style writing. A seal hangs from the bottom.
Permission for publication must be sought from Parliament House Art Collection. Contact DPS Art Services, phone: 02 62775034 or 02 62775123
The first version of the Magna Carta, or ‘Great Charter’, was written in 1215 as a peace treaty between King John of England and his barons. It established the principle that all people, including the King, had rights and responsibilities under the law.
A copy of the 1297 Magna Carta is held at Parliament House.