How will Australian government change in the future?

Thanks for your question Finn! The answer depends on what you mean by change.

The Australian Government can change following a federal election depending on which team wins the majority – more than half of the seats– in the House of Representatives. The Australian people decide which team will form government by electing representatives to the House.

There are many ways that Australian society may change over time. Governments may choose to respond to these changes by making  new laws. For example, when the internet arrived in Australia in 1989, the government needed to make new laws about how it should operate and be run.

A graphic that lists some of the areas the federal Parliament can make laws in.

The law-making powers of the federal Parliament.

Parliamentary Education Office (

The law-making powers of the federal Parliament.

A graphic that lists some of the areas the federal Parliament can make laws in.

Parliamentary Education Office (


The law-making powers of the federal Parliament include:

  • Trade and commerce
  • Postal and telecommunications services
  • Foreign policy
  • Taxation
  • Census and statistics
  • Weights and measures
  • Bankruptcy and insolvency
  • Quarantine
  • Lighthouses, lightships, beacons and buoys
  • Fisheries
  • Currency
  • Copyright
  • Marriage
  • Immigration
  • Defence