How long can the Prime Minister stay in the job?

Thanks for your question. There is no limit to the amount of time that somebody can be Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party or coalition of parties with the support of the majority of members of the House of Representatives.

The Prime Minister would lose their position if:

  • their party votes to change the leadership of the party
  • their party does not win government at a federal election
  • they lose their own seat at a federal election
  • they decide to resign as Prime Minister.
A man sits at a wooden desk with pens and paperwork. Another man is approaching the desk while other people sit and watch.

Australia's 27th Governor-General swearing-in the Prime Minister.

DPS Auspic

Australia's 27th Governor-General swearing-in the Prime Minister.

A man sits at a wooden desk with pens and paperwork. Another man is approaching the desk while other people sit and watch.

DPS Auspic


Anthony Albanese is sworn in as the 31th Prime Minister of Australia by Australia's 27th Governor-General David Hurley in May 2022.