Have there been any female speakers?

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Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

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Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


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Hi Keshwa! Thanks for your question!

Since Federation, there have been 3 female Speakers of the House of Representatives:

  • the Hon Joan Child (11 February 1986 to 28 August 1989). Ms Child was a member of the Australian Labor Party from the electorate of Henty in Victoria.
  • Ms Anna Burke (9 October 2012 to 5 August 2013). Ms Burke was also a member of the Australian Labor Party from the electorate of Chisholm in Victoria.
  • the Hon Bronwyn Bishop (12 November 2013 to 2 August 2015). Mrs Bishop was a member of the Liberal Party of Australia from the electorate of Mackellar in New South Wales.

There has also been 2 female Presidents of the Senate:

  • the Hon Margaret Reid (20 August 1996 to 18 August 2002). Senator Reid was a member of the Liberal Party of Australia and a senator for the Australian Capital Territory.
  • the Hon Sue Lines became President of the Senate on 26 July 2022. Senator Lines is a member of the Australian Labor Party and a senator for Western Australia.