Do the Prime Minister and ministers keep their positions during an election period?

Yes, during a federal election period, the Prime Minister and ministers keep their positions.

When the Governor-General closes the Australian Parliament for a federal election, the government enters a ‘caretaker period’. During this period, the government continues to manage the day-to-day running of the country. However, it does not make any major decisions without first talking to the opposition who could become the next government if it wins the election.

The caretaker period lasts until the election result is known. If a new government is elected the Governor-General will commission – formally appoint – a new Prime Minister and ministers. If the existing government is re-elected, the current Prime Minister and ministers are re-commissioned by the Governor-General.


A man sits at a wooden desk with pens and paperwork. Another man is approaching the desk while other people sit and watch.

Australia's 27th Governor-General swearing-in the Prime Minister.

DPS Auspic

Australia's 27th Governor-General swearing-in the Prime Minister.

A man sits at a wooden desk with pens and paperwork. Another man is approaching the desk while other people sit and watch.

DPS Auspic


Anthony Albanese is sworn in as the 31th Prime Minister of Australia by Australia's 27th Governor-General David Hurley in May 2022.