Could you estimate the cost of running parliamentary committees?
Thanks for your question, Declan.
Parliamentary committees investigate issues and proposed laws in detail so members of parliament are well-informed before making decisions.
Using information contained in their annual reports, it is possible to calculate how much it costs the Department of the Senate and the Department of the House of Representatives to run parliamentary committees each year.
Committees hold meetings – called hearings – to closely examine and research issues and then write reports to present their findings to the Senate or House of Representatives. Hearings are held all across Australia, not just at Parliament House in Canberra, to make them accessible to all members of the community. Each committee has a secretariat — a group of parliamentary employees — who assist with running the hearings and writing the report to present to parliament.
A Senate committee hearing at Balgo in the Kimberley, Western Australia

Senate Procedure Office
This photo shows a group of people sitting at tables facing each other with papers in front of them. Some of the people are senators from the Australian Parliament who will conduct the committee hearing. The other people are members of the public who are giving evidence at the committee hearing. One person is reading aloud from a paper and others have their heads turned towards this person.