Can the NT print money according to the Constitution of Australia?

Thank you for your question. The Australian Constitution gives the Australian Parliament the exclusive power to make laws about currency, coinage and legal tender (section 51(xii)). This means that the states and territories do not have the power to issue their own money.

This diagram illustrates the three levels of government and the law-making bodies located around Australia.

Three levels of government in Australia.

Parliamentary Education Office (

Three levels of government in Australia.

This diagram illustrates the three levels of government and the law-making bodies located around Australia.

Parliamentary Education Office (


This diagram illustrates the three levels of government—the law-making bodies in Australia with three maps of Australia: Local councils (located around Australia in each local council division); State/territory parliaments (located in the capital cities of each of the 6 states and 2 territories); and federal Parliament (located in Canberra, the nation's capital).