Can the minor parties or independents form government?

If minor parties and independents have the support of more than half – at least 76 – of the members in the House of Representatives, they could form government by agreeing to work together. They could also agree to form a coalition with one of the major parties to form government.

However, it is more likely that minor party members and independents would provide support to – not join with – a major party or coalition of parties to allow them to form government. This can be the case when a federal election results in a hung parliament – no party or coalition of parties has enough seats to form government.

Members sit on green benches with desks. They are listening and working on their devices.

Members working in the House of Representatives

DPS Auspic

Members working in the House of Representatives

Members sit on green benches with desks. They are listening and working on their devices.

DPS Auspic


Members speaking to each other, listening, reading or working on their devices in the House of Representatives.