Can anyone apart from the independents suggest changes to the bills?

Members sit on green benches with desks. They are listening and working on their devices.

Members working in the House of Representatives

DPS Auspic

Members working in the House of Representatives

Members sit on green benches with desks. They are listening and working on their devices.

DPS Auspic


Members speaking to each other, listening, reading or working on their devices in the House of Representatives.

Thanks for your great question, Jasmin.

Any member of parliament can suggest a change to a bill – proposed law – not just independent members. Suggesting a change is called ‘moving an amendment’ and is an important part of the law-making process.

Amendments can be introduced in either the Senate or the House of Representatives. Like bills, they must be discussed and voted on.

Any senator or member can suggest a change but it is more likely independent, minor party or opposition members will suggest amendments. This is because most bills introduced to Parliament are government bills and government members are less likely to suggest changes to their own bill.

However, government members can—and sometimes do—move amendments to correct a problem and/or strengthen a bill.