Are political parties mentioned or written in the Australian Constitution?

Thanks for your question.

Political parties were not mentioned in the Australian Constitution until 1977 when section 15 – which outlines how casual vacancies in the Senate are filled – was changed. While political parties are now generally mentioned, no specific party is named. Under the change, if the vacating senator represented a political party, the vacancy is filled by a member of the same political party.

The green House of Representatives. There are people sitting in seats arranged in a U-shape.

The House of Representatives

DPS Auspic

The House of Representatives

The green House of Representatives. There are people sitting in seats arranged in a U-shape.

DPS Auspic


The House of Representatives is a large room with green furnishings. The seats are arranged in rows around a large central table. There is a large chair at the open end of the U-shaped seats that is elevated above the other chairs where the Speaker sits. Members of the House of Representatives sit in the U-shaped seats. Members of the public and the press sit observing from the balconies above the House.