Approximately how many bills are introduced in Parliament and passed each year?

A woman in a grey jacket is standing at a desk in a red room. She is speaking. Other women sit on benches around her, listening to her speak.

A senator speaking in the Senate.

DPS Auspic

A senator speaking in the Senate.

A woman in a grey jacket is standing at a desk in a red room. She is speaking. Other women sit on benches around her, listening to her speak.

DPS Auspic


A senator speaking in the Senate.

That's an interesting question, Indy.

On average the government introduces 140 bills – proposed laws – in Parliament each year. Nearly all these bills – about 95% – are passed by the Parliament, although sometimes only after the government agrees to amendments – changes – to the bill.

While the government introduces most bills, the opposition, crossbench  and government backbenchers can introduce private bills in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Each year, about 20 private bills are introduced in the Senate and a few in the House of Representatives. It is rare for these bills to pass the Parliament unless they have cross-party support because the government usually has the majority in the House.

Statistics on bills introduced into and passed by the Parliament each year can be found on the Australian Parliament House website.