Parliamentary statistics

Keep up-to-date with the current numbers and work of the Australian Parliament with these facts and figures.

Following the federal election held on 21 May 2022, the Australian Labor Party (ALP) formed government after winning the support of the majority (more than half) of the 151 members elected to the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, and 4 ministers were sworn-in by the Governor-General at Government House in Canberra on 23 May 2022, with the full ministry being sworn-in on 1 June.

The 47th Parliament commenced on 26 July 2022 with an opening ceremony held at Parliament House.

The 47th Parliament at work


  House of Representatives Senate Total
First introduced  337  93  430
Passed by both houses      259


  House of Representatives** Senate** Total
Committee reports presented  172  387**** 559

Other work*

  House of Representatives Senate Total
Questions without notice  2,632  3,412  6,044
Petitions presented  1,249  9  1,258
Signatures to petitions received  1,730,648  126,653  1,857,301


  House of Representatives Senate Total
Number of sitting days  134  119  253
Hours of sitting***  1,254 hrs 36 mins  1,151 hrs 56 mins

 2,406 hrs 32 mins

* as at 4 July 2024

** includes joint committees administered by this house of Parliament

*** excludes suspension of sittings

**** to 7 May 2024


Composition of the Senate

Senate current numbers.

Senate current numbers.

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (

Senate current numbers.

Senate current numbers.

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (

House of Representatives 

Composition of the House of Representatives

House of Representatives current numbers.

House of Representatives current numbers.

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (

House of Representatives current numbers.

House of Representatives current numbers.

DPS AUSPIC/Parliamentary Education Office (