Western Australian Secession Referendum
08 April 1933
Western Australians vote to leave the Commonwealth but it is not legally binding.
After 3 years of intense campaigning, in 1933 Western Australians were asked in a state referendum if they wanted to leave the Australian Commonwealth and return to being a self-governing colony of the British Empire. Over 66% voted in favour of secession – leaving. On the same day that Western Australians voted for secession, they also elected an anti-secessionist government. The question remains whether the referendum result was a reaction to the hardships of the Great Depression or a reflection of a deep secessionist feeling.
Western Australia had not been eager to join Federation, and the Great Depression had inflamed complaints about the perceived unfairness of the national system in looking after the people who lived in Western Australia. They felt ignored and neglected by the government. In May 1935 the British Parliament refused to accept a Western Australian petition requesting independence. The campaign for succession lost momentum, particularly after government grants helped to improve the economy.
The Australian Constitution does not contemplate any state or territory leaving. The Preamble to the Constitution states that the Australian federation is 'indissoluble' – not able to be broken. The only legal path to secession would be by national referendum. A majority of voters in the majority of states and territories would have to agree to dissolve the union, just as they agreed to create it.
Our loyalty, 'England and Empire' still.

A meeting of the Dominion League for the secession movement
Battye Library, State Library of Western Australia, BA 428/1.
A meeting of the Dominion League for the secession movement

Battye Library, State Library of Western Australia, BA 428/1.
This photograph was taken of a meeting of the Dominion League by G.W. Sivyer around 1934. The Dominion League was established in 1930 with the focus of advocating for Western Australia to leave the Australian Federation.