First Australian-born Governor-General
22 January 1931
Isaac Isaacs is the first Governor-General to be born in Australia.
In 1931 Sir Isaac Isaacs became Governor-General of Australia. Previously the position had always been filled by British noblemen chosen by the King. Isaacs had been born in Melbourne and his appointment as the King’s representative in Australia was controversial at the time.
In 1930 Prime Minister James Scullin and his Cabinet recommended to King George V that Sir Isaac Isaacs, then Chief Justice of the High Court, be the new Governor-General. News of the recommendation attracted criticism. Not only was Isaacs an Australian but the King did not know him. It was also argued the Australian Constitution did not provide for the Prime Minister to advise the monarch. Some saw Isaacs’ appointment as a threat to the bond between Australia and Britain and thought Scullin had disrespected the King by recommending his own choice for the role.
The issue was settled at the 1930 Imperial Conference, a meeting of the leaders of Commonwealth countries. It was decided that in future the monarch would appoint a Governor-General on the advice of the government of the country concerned. Since 1965 all Governors-General have been Australian.

Governor-General Sir Isaac Isaacs shaking hands with a Navy Commander
National Library of Australia, PIC P1313/32 Album 893a
Governor-General Sir Isaac Isaacs shaking hands with a Navy Commander

National Library of Australia, PIC P1313/32 Album 893a
Australia's first Australian-born Governor-General Sir Isaac Isaacs shaking hands with a Navy Commander following an investiture – a ceremony where honours and ranks are officially awarded. This photo was taken in Melbourne in 1933.
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