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Teaching civics and citizenship: a parliamentary approach

This workshop will help you develop skills and techniques to teach students about Australia’s system of government and how our democracy works. Find out more and book your place in a Teaching civics and citizenship workshop on this page.

2 hours

Looking for ways to make civics and citizenship more dynamic, relevant and memorable? Experience the Parliamentary Education Office’s Teaching civics and citizenship professional learning workshop.

During this session you will:

  • Enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Australian Parliament
  • develop skills and techniques to engage students with Australia’s system of government and how our democratic system works
  • experience interactive and enjoyable classroom activities that explore the function and significance of the Australian Parliament
  • come away with a collection of Australian curriculum-aligned interactive and immersive teaching resources and strategies.

This TQI accredited workshop is aligned to the Australian Curriculum and is suitable for preservice, primary and secondary teachers. Each workshop is run with either a primary or secondary focus to ensure content and activities are relevant for your students. This workshop is facilitated through Zoom.

With more than 30 years’ experience in educating students and teachers about the Australian Parliament, we look forward to introducing you to the exciting opportunities of civics and citizenship education in your classroom.

