PEO at a glance

The Parliamentary Education Office (PEO) helps schools, teachers and students to understand the role and value of the Australian Parliament. This page provides an overview of our education programs, resources and projects.

  • Programs at Parliament House

  • Teacher professional development

  • 1 million users of PEO websites

  • Bringing the Parliament to classrooms around Australia

  • Printed resources

  • Digital programs around the nation

  • Support for senators and members


Programs at Parliament House

Our immersive learning program at Parliament House gives primary and secondary students hands-on experience of how our Parliament works to make Australia a better place to live.

In 2019 we delivered 2525 engaging education programs at Parliament House.

Teacher professional development

To help teachers and pre-service teachers deliver Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum in the classroom, we provide informative and engaging professional learning programs.

1 million users of PEO websites

Our websites provide relevant, accessible and accurate resources for students, teachers and all Australians. From lesson plans for teachers to the history of the Australian Parliament and the Australian Constitution, we provide a comprehensive online presence for users around Australia.

Your Questions on Notice allows users to ask questions about the Australian Parliament and Australian system of government. We love receiving and answering your questions!


Bringing the Parliament to classrooms around Australia

Each year, we travel to regions around Australia with low visitation rates to Parliament House, bringing our engaging parliamentary education program to classrooms and staff rooms.

In 2019 we have we have delivered programs to:

Northern Victoria and southern NSW
588 students and 23 teachers

636 students and 30 teachers

787 students and 24 teachers

Printed resources

We produce a wide range of printed resources for teachers, students and the general public.

Digital programs around the nation

Even if a school can't travel to Canberra to visit us at Parliament House, we can deliver a digital program in the classroom. In 2023, 7883 primary and secondary students participated in 332 digital programs.

Support for senators and members

Senators and members are a key part of the parliamentary education process, visiting schools in their region and speaking to students about their role. Each year, we provide senators and members with a range of printed materials to distribute to students and teachers.

The PEO team in the Education Centre at Parliament House.

The PEO team in the Education Centre at Parliament House.

Parliamentary Education Office (

The PEO team in the Education Centre at Parliament House.

The PEO team in the Education Centre at Parliament House.

Parliamentary Education Office (