Why do we have a parliament?

Role of Parliament: representation, law-making, formation of government and scrutiny.

Roles and responsibilities of the Australian Parliament

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)

Roles and responsibilities of the Australian Parliament

Role of Parliament: representation, law-making, formation of government and scrutiny.

Parliamentary Education Office (peo.gov.au)


This diagram illustrates the roles and responsibilities of the Australian Parliament. The Australian Parliament: represents the people of Australia; makes and proposes Australian law; scrutinises the actions of the government; and is where government is formed.

Having a parliament is important and necessary because it is the place where decisions that shape the nation are made.

The word ‘parliament’ comes from the French word parler meaning ‘to talk or speak’; parliament is a place for representatives to assemble and discuss issues affecting the nation.

Australians choose representatives to speak for them in parliament by voting at federal elections.

The Australian Parliament has 4 main roles:

  • making and changing federal laws
  • representing the people of Australia
  • providing a place where government is formed
  • keeping a check on the work of the government.