Bills and laws
Have a go at these quizzes about the Australian Parliament. You might even learn something you didn’t know! Topics include the three levels of government, separation of powers and the Australian Constitution.
These quizzes are aligned with the Australian Civics and Citizenship curriculum.
How much do you know about the Australian Constitution—the set of rules by which Australia is run?
Test your understanding of the history, make-up and people of the Australian Parliament with this quick quiz.
How does the Australian Parliament make laws for Australia? Revise your students' study of law-making with this quiz.
Find out how much you know about the election process with this fun quiz.
How much do you know about how the Australian Government is formed?
Take this quiz to discover some ways you can have a say about decisions made by the Australian Parliament.
How much do you know about the House of Representatives – one of the two houses of the Australian Parliament?
Test your knowledge of political parties in the Australian Parliament with this fun quiz.
How much do you know about the role the media? Take this quick quiz to find out.
How much do you know about the Senate—one of the two houses of the Australian Parliament?
Test your knowledge of the separation of powers—an important principle of Australia's democracy—with this fun quiz.
Test your knowledge of Australia's three levels with this quiz.
Test your recollection of the ways that law is made in Australia—statute, common and delegated—with this quick quiz.