How long did it take to build the Parliament House?
Hi there, Baswa! Thank you for your question!
The building of Australia’s Parliament House took 6 years.
Although the turning of the first sod occurred on 18 September 1980, construction didn’t commence until 12 November 1981 when the Prime Minister, the Hon Malcolm Fraser, poured the first concrete.
The goal was to have the building completed by 26 January 1988—Australia Day. This deadline was met, and Parliament House was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988.
The building of the Australian Parliament House was a big job! Over 10 000 workers were involved in its construction using 90% Australian made materials.
Aerial view of Australian Parliament House.

DPS Auspic
This aerial photograph shows Parliament House, including the curved walls, the Senate wing, the House of Representatives wing and the Executive wing.
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