First female Speaker

11 February 1986

Joan Child becomes the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives.

With the support of the House of Representatives, the Honourable Joan Child MP became the first woman Speaker in 1986.

When she was elected as Speaker it was suggested that she wear the traditional wig and ceremonial robes of the office to give her dignity. She reportedly replied: ‘When I put my clothes on in the morning, I don’t put my dignity on with them; I always have it with me.’

Joan Child built on the achievements of Dorothy Tangney and Edith Lyons, and paved the way for the next generation of female political leaders.

I am delighted to have been elected to this high office and I hope that I can serve this House and the members of this House with integrity and impartiality. If any member would like to speak to me, my door is always open.
The Honourable Joan Child, speaking in the House of Representatives after her election as Speaker, 11 February 1986
An oil painting of a woman with a smile on her face, sitting at a desk. The desk has various papers, a pair of glasses and a telephone on it.

The Hon Joan Child, 1988 by Charles William Bush (1911-1989)

Historic Memorials Collection, courtesy of Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra, ACT

The Hon Joan Child, 1988 by Charles William Bush (1911-1989)

An oil painting of a woman with a smile on her face, sitting at a desk. The desk has various papers, a pair of glasses and a telephone on it.

Historic Memorials Collection, courtesy of Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra, ACT


This portrait of the Honourable Joan Child MP was painted in oil paint by Charles Bush in 1988. It is part of the Australian Parliament’s Historic Memorials Collection. Joan Child was the first woman elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1986.