Federation Chamber formed

08 June 1994

A second meeting place of the House of Representatives is created.

The Federation Chamber – called the Main Committee until 2012 – is the second debating chamber of the House of Representatives. The Federation Chamber debates bills, motions and committee reports referred to it by the House, greatly increasing the amount of time available for the House to consider other business. All members of the House are automatically members of the Federation Chamber and eligible to participate in its meetings.

Business sent to the Federation Chamber is usually by agreement between the government and opposition. Decisions on bills are made by a vote on the voices; no divisions – formal votes – are taken in the Chamber. Decisions made by the Federation Chamber, and disputes about items of business, must be confirmed or resolved by the House of Representatives.

A wood-panelled room with tables and chairs arranged in a U-shape. A man stands up to give a speech while other people sit.

Federation Chamber

David Foote/DPS AUSPIC

Federation Chamber

A wood-panelled room with tables and chairs arranged in a U-shape. A man stands up to give a speech while other people sit.

David Foote/DPS AUSPIC


The Federation Chamber is a second meeting place for the House of Representatives and can meet at the same time as the House. Usually, government members sit on the right of the Chair and non-government members sit on the left, just like they do in the House. Seating is provided for 38 members and there is room for additional seating if required. This photo of the Federation Chamber was taken in 2015.