Euthanasia Laws Act 1997

27 March 1997

The Australian Parliament overturns a law made by the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly.

In 1995 the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly passed the controversial Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT) which legalised euthanasia in certain circumstances. This law meant that, in limited situations, terminally ill patients could end their life with medical assistance.

In response, the Australian Parliament decided in a free vote – sometimes called a conscience vote – to create the Euthanasia Laws Act 1997. This Act changed the self-government acts of the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) to remove their power to make laws about euthanasia.

Section 122 of the Australian Constitution gives the Australian Parliament the power to make laws for territories. In the Northern Territory and ACT, this power has been delegated to the territories’ legislative assemblies. Laws made by the legislative assemblies can be overturned – cancelled – by the Australian Parliament at any time.

In December 2022, the Australian Parliament passed the Restoring Territory Rights Bill 2022 which removed the restrictions on the Northern Territory and ACT to make laws which would allow euthanasia.

A cartoon of a doctor performing euthanasia on a patient. The doctor is surrounded on all sides by people holding cameras and microphones. The doctor has a speech bubble that says "Really sorry about the dignity, Mr Oglethorpe!"

"Really sorry about the dignity, Mr Oglethorpe!", Geoff Pryor, 1996

National Library of Australia, PIC/9195/346, Courtesy of Geoff Pryor

"Really sorry about the dignity, Mr Oglethorpe!", Geoff Pryor, 1996

A cartoon of a doctor performing euthanasia on a patient. The doctor is surrounded on all sides by people holding cameras and microphones. The doctor has a speech bubble that says "Really sorry about the dignity, Mr Oglethorpe!"

National Library of Australia, PIC/9195/346, Courtesy of Geoff Pryor


This cartoon was created by Geoff Pryor on 2 July 1996. It shows a doctor holding a large needle about to perform euthanasia on a patient surrounded by people. It was made in response to the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly passing the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT) which legalised euthanasia in certain circumstances. This law meant that, in limited situations, terminally ill patients could end their life with medical assistance. The Australian Parliament removed the Northern Territory's right to make laws about euthanasia in 1997.