Change of voting age

21 March 1973

The voting age is lowered from 21 to 18.

Before 1973 the voting age in Australia was 21. Australians who were old enough to pay taxes, get married and fight in a war could not vote. The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1973 allowed Australians aged 18 and older to have a say about laws that affect them.

The fight to allow 18-year-olds to vote took many years. Before the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1973 was passed, 2 other bills – proposed laws – were introduced into the Australian Parliament attempting to lower the voting age. Debate continues as to whether the voting age should be lowered further to allow 16-year-olds to vote.

A young woman is handed how-to-vote flyers. She smiles while looking at the flyers and has one hand on her head.

Miss Pat Lancaster casting her first vote

National Library of Australia, PIC/8293

Miss Pat Lancaster casting her first vote

A young woman is handed how-to-vote flyers. She smiles while looking at the flyers and has one hand on her head.

National Library of Australia, PIC/8293


Miss Pat Lancaster casting her first vote in the 1970 federal by-election in Canberra, Ainslie Infants School Polling Booth, 30 May 1970.