Why do they need such a big flag?

Flagmast on top of Parliament House with a second Australian flag in the foreground.

Australian Parliament House flagmast and flag.

DPS Auspic

Australian Parliament House flagmast and flag.

Flagmast on top of Parliament House with a second Australian flag in the foreground.

DPS Auspic


This photograph shows the stainless steel flagmast on top of Parliament House with a second Australian flag in the foreground.

Thanks for your question Sam! The Australian flag and flagmast above Australian Parliament House was designed to be a prominent and recognisable symbol of the Australian Parliament. The flag—which measures 12.8 metres by 6.4 metres—marks the exact centre of the building and was intended to be seen from most parts of Canberra. It is flown over Parliament House 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is floodlit at night.

Parliament House is one of the largest buildings in the southern hemisphere. It is 300 metres long and 300 metres wide and has a floor area of more than 250 000 square metres. A big flag was needed to fly over such a big building!