What are the 3 main functions of Cabinet ministers?

A Cabinet minister has many important functions as part of their role.

Along with the Prime Minister, Cabinet ministers form the main decision-making group within executive government – the Cabinet.

A Cabinet minister's role includes:

  • directing government policy and making decisions about national issues
  • spending a lot of time discussing current national problems and how these can be solved
  • presenting bills – proposed laws – from their government departments.
A group of people having a meeting sit both sides of a wooden table. The men and women look towards the camera.

The Cabinet in session.

Office of the Prime Minister

The Cabinet in session.

A group of people having a meeting sit both sides of a wooden table. The men and women look towards the camera.

Office of the Prime Minister


A group of people sit on both sides of a wooden table. The men and women look towards the camera. It looks as if their meeting has been interrupted because there are papers and water glasses on the table.