How many votes or what majority does a bill actually need to pass from the House of Representatives to the Senate?

Interesting question Liliana. A majority vote is needed for a bill – a proposed law – to pass both the Senate and House of Representatives.

Not all senators or members need to be present for the vote. The bill is passed if a majority – more than half of senators or members present in either the Senate or House – vote for it.

However, a bill to change the Constitution – the rulebook of our nation – can only be passed by an absolute majority. This means a majority of the whole number of Senators or members of the House.


The green House of Representatives. There are people milling around.

The House of Representatives during a division.

DPS Auspic

The House of Representatives during a division.

The green House of Representatives. There are people milling around.

DPS Auspic


This image is of a large room with green furnishings. The seats are arranged around a large central table. There is a large chair at the open end of the U-shaped seats that is elevated above the other chairs. There are people milling around, especially at the end of the central table.